01597 735 033 / 07852 775 379 /midwalespestcontrol@gmail.com
Mid Wales Pest Control
There are 4 types of flea that survive in the UK.
The most common is the Cat Flea (which is mostly known for biting humans). There are also the Bird Flea and the Dog Flea, although other species will attach themselves to dogs, and least of all the Human Flea (which is incredibly rare).
Fleas thrive in the communal areas of the home where humans and pets live together. They will also survive in carpets, bedding and upholstered furniture.
Fleas only measure 2mm (when adults) so it makes them difficult to see. The most visual signs of a flea infestation is the bright red bite marks on human skin and/or the excessive scratching of pets.
Females can live for up to 2 years and in that time they can lay 1000 eggs. The eggs drop onto the floor, pet bedding and soft furnishings where a few days later they will turn into larvae. When fully grown, the larvae will spin a camouflaged silk cocoon. Once fully developed into an adult it will stay within the cocoon until it detects vibrations that are caused by potential hosts. It will not emerge before this and can take up to 6 months. The complete life cycle, however, can take as little as 1 month during the summer months.
It is recommended that you employ a professional to expel a flea infestation as they have access to insecticide sprays (liquid and powders) that are not available to the general public.
The first thing to do if you find that you have an infestation is to thoroughly hoover the room and dispose of the hoover contents in an outside bin.